Privacy Policy
Bjerkvik Hotell is responsible for processing all personal data collected through; hotel booking system, and other possible services either through our website or directly by telephone or e-mail or other inquiries. We protect your privacy and comply with applicable laws to protect you as a private individual.
We collect personal data for the purpose of administering, delivering and developing our services. We strive to manage your reservations in the best possible way so that your experience of your stay or other of our services is as good as possible. We also want to customize our communication according to your needs. The personal data we collect must be relevant to the purpose of the service in question, such as name, email address, telephone number, IP address and other information that facilitates the use of our digital services.
We will use your personal data to:
• Manage your reservations and bookings
• Contact you by phone or email with notifications, questions, important information and arrangements
before, during and after your stay.
• Analyze and improve the quality of our services.
• Using statistics to personalize and improve our digital presence
• Provide you as a guest with benefits as well as promote, directly or indirectly, based on user behavior.

All guests can opt out at any time from us processing your information for marketing and other offers. We store, process and delete personal data in accordance with law.
By clicking “Accept Cookies” you agree to the storage of cookies on your device in order to improve site navigation, analyze the use of the site and assist in our marketing efforts. See our privacy statement for more information.